Fundraiser ideas in Your Home Makeup Business

© by Jodie Michelle; all rights reserved

Have you thought about different ways to find new customers and help others at the same time? Well now you can with a few "Fundraiser ideas" in Your Home Makeup Business.

By simply showing organizations how to have a makeup fundraiser is an easy way to profit and find new customer, while helping to contribute to many great causes.

It's very easy.

All you need to do is contact organizations, meet with a contact person, and show them how easy it is to raise money, effortlessly.

You will arrange the details for them, and work out a pre-arranged percentage of sales (10-20% is usually customary).

Ways Your Home Makeup Business Can Help Organizations

You are probably thinking, how can I help others while at the same time getting my name out about my line of makeup?

Once you start making a list of all the organizations out there who need to raise funds, you will have a lot of opportunities to help contribute to their cause with your home makeup business.

For example, you may be asked to donate makeup sets for donations for an auction or participate in fundraisers with your home makeup business.

When you are contributing to causes - with either makeup or skin care, money, or your time - is great public relations for your makeup business, which is helping you establish and promote a personal relationship one-on-one and with the public.

When you are helping others you are not only benefiting that cause, you are also offering good public relations for your business.

Everyone wins.

This kind of generosity is good for everyone, and can be very rewarding. Helping one organization at a time is the best karma that one can do for the world.

Here are a few ideas to use in your home makeup business to make a difference:

Simple Cheerleading Fundraiser Ideas

Fundraiser ideas for high school marching bands

Community fundraiser ideas

Fundraiser ideas for animal shelters

Relay for life fundraiser ideas

Church fundraiser ideas

Fraternity fundraiser ideas

Fundraiser ideas for girl scouts

Don't stop here with these ideas. The list is endless of who you can help.

There are so many opportunities out there for fundraiser makeup shows. Just start a list of an organization that you can think of— health organizations, schools, synagogues, churches, hospitals, retirement homes, sports teams, clubs, scholarship programs, foundations, nonprofit organizations—, and then start contacting these organizations and set up an appointment to meet with them and share the opportunity to help them raise funds. They will welcome your efforts to help put on a fundraiser in their honor!

Good luck! This is one opportunity that you will love to do, and your efforts will be greatly rewarded.

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